BijouPlay is a QuickTimeª player for Macintosh. It was designed to be small and easy to use, allowing you to get the job done in the simplest, most efficient way possible.
BijouPlay supports AppleEventsª, drag-and-drop opening of movies, and works with any version of System 7. BijouPlay will NOT work with System 6 or earlier, and of course you need at least QuickTime 1.5 for it to work as well.
Interesting note for AV Mac owners : BijouPlay lets you play or pause movies by voice command.
(NB: the pause feature will not work with movies that have a soundtrack!).
BijouPlay is Copyrighted and owned by MUSI Computer Products, Inc.
You may distribute and use BijouPlay guilt-free!
BijouPlay will be continually updated over the next few months. If you are interested in receiving updated versions as they come out, send us a message stating that you would like to receive the updates. We like mail, as it lets us know our products are helping people!
Watch for the upcoming release of BijouPlay 2.0, with support for QuickTime 2.0, AppleScript, and multiple movies! This release is expected to hit major online services after August 2, 1994.
BijouPlay 2.0, coming soon to your favorite online service near you!
Thanks for using BijouPlay. We hope you enjoy it as much as we did creating it for you.